Our Family

Our Family

Monday, November 19, 2007

Handysitt boosters

I got new chairs for my girls. I was sick of the bulky highchairs in my kitchen and decided to get these cool booster chairs. The girls love them and so do I. I spent a week in Star Valley and was able to take them with me quite easily. They were a little expensive but totally worth it for us. I will be needing to drag the stupid high chair up again just as soon as Dylan is ready for solids... I just thought for a few months it would be nice to just have none in my kitchen.


Jeff and Carrie said...

Now that is one cool invention! I look at this and say "I could have invented that!" But here I am not a millionaire because I am just not that quick with the ideas!

2-Fold said...

I been wanting to "transfer" Connor and Logan to something like that. You will have to let me know where you got them.

Jamie said...

I got rid of the high chair before Ewan was born. They just take up way too much room! We have this little chair from IKEA for Ewan that scoots up to the table.
Plus, the younger kids just want to be with the big kids anyway, not in their high chair.
Those booster seats are super cool, though.