Our Family

Our Family

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


So Tenille loves the links! She flips a cookie when Lacey even has one! So anyhow, the other day I remembered to take these pictures. The reason why was because I was cleaning the kitchen and I heard Tenille let out a blood curtling scream that sent me running to see what was wrong. Well, I ran into Lacey running from Tenille with a link in her hand and a HUGE mischievious smile on her face. LITTLE STINKER! She knows how to push Tenilles buttons and does so very well.

Here is Tenille with most of the links, this is how she carries them around most of the time.

This is Lacey and her little mischievious face!!

This is where Tenille placed her links and how Lacey ended up getting one of them, Tenille usually keeps a better watch on them!


Wyomamma said...

Oh my heck, I laughed so hard at these! See what Shanna has to look forward to! I'm so excited to see you all this weekend!

2-Fold said...

How Funny. Connor will do the same thing to Logan. Isn't it funny how you have one sensitive one and the other one knows exactly what to do to upset them. It is so hard not to laugh, because that just encourages Connor. BTW nice ball toy, do your girls love it.

Jamie said...

Love the story about the links! And the pic of the "lei of links" around Tenille's neck. lol