Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

100 things

so Jamie, here's my attempt at your challenge!

1. I love to read
2. I enjoy cooking
3. I went to cooking school at the ATC
4. I've been married 7 years in Dec.
5. I was on the seminary counsel in High School
6. I took 9 years of piano lessons and can't play a note'
7. I can play the trumpet
8. my favorite color is orange
9. I like to watch old movies
10. I enjoy rollerblading
11. I have 3 kids
12. I have a dog named Pogo
13. My father in law lives with us
14. I love to ski but haven't been in 4 years because of pregnancy, busy with kids, etc.
15. My favorite actress is Doris Day
16. I can drive a stick and prefer it
17. I have 4 brothers and 1 sister
18. I am 12 credits away from my associates degree
19. When I go back, I'd like to study botany
20. I love shopping, especially online right now with all the kids!
21. I love to color my hair in fun ways!
22. I like having long hair because I can pull it back away from my face
23. I am right handed
24. I play pool left handed
25. I am a peace maker
26. I don't like to text message
27. my favorite food is spaghetti
28. I can't chew a piece of gum for more than 5 minutes
29. I never had to have braces
30. I am 5'4 3/4"
31. I weight too much right now! hee but am currently dieting to lose the excess weight
32. I used to work as a teller and I loved it!
33. I am now a stay at home mom and it's very rewarding
34. I don't like soda pop except for an occasional Coke
35. I love water, just plain old water
36. I hate going to the bathroom, I feel like it's a waste of time
37. I am usually more cranky after a nap then if I hadn't taken one
38. I met my husband in a singles ward
39. I hit on him first and told him I thought he was a "hottie"
40. I love going away for the weekend but find that hard to do when you have kids
41. I have an adopted daugher, Halle
42. My birthday is May 8th, 1980
43. I am a homebody
44. I wish I had more friends but don't take the initiative to call
45. I LOVE art
46. I was sterling scholar in Business in High School
47. I love backpacking
48. I HATE fishing because I just don't have the patience for it
49. I can wake board
50. I can water ski
51. I don't know how to snowboard but would love to learn
52. I am shy
53. I think I am pretty funny
54. I have a passport and want to use it to go to Egypt
55. We are moving to Cedar City next January
56. I love getting pedicures
57. I am ticklish but don't enjoy being tickled
58. I love back rubs
59. I like bowling
60. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving and Christmas
61. I love talking about my kids
62. I paint my toenails but never my fingernails because I fidget and pick at it on my hands
63. I do no like acrylic fingernails
64. I can throw the javeline
65. I played 2 years of Soccer in high school
66. I was on the track team for 3 years and went to state in Javeline (I bit the dust!)
67. I love Monopoly
68. I like to play cards with friends and family
69. I like cookie dough more than the cooked cookies
70. I learned how to make bread when I was 10
71. I like sparkly eye makeup
72. I wish I could go on "What not to Wear" so I could learn how to dress myself in the best way
73. I don't enjoy wearing shoes
74. My feet are like armor
75. I like to take baths
76. I love softball especially coed city league teams just for fun
77. I have never read the bible all the way through
78. I kept a journal as a kid
79. I wish I knew how to speak spanish
80. I like music and have a variety on my I-Pod
81. My favorite singer is Elton John (I know, pretty dorky)
82. I'm allergic to cats and don't like them
83. I don't like marshmallows or plain chocolate so Smores are out
84. I love sitting around a fire outside talking
85. I don't like to be touched while I sleep
86. I am a morning person
87. I am really strict with my kids schedule
88. I can't stand clutter
89. If there is something missing in my house, it's probably in a drawer because I didn't want to look at it. HEE
90. I don't like vaccuming
91. I will wash the clothes, but dislike folding and putting them away
92. I enjoy cleaning the kitchen
93. I rarely make my bed except when we have company
94. I like having people over for food and games
95. i've never had a cold sore
96. I should wear glasses but don't
97. I don't like talking on the phone, you don't get to see body language that way
98. I love singing but get embarrassed around people
99. I like watching House, Desperate Housewives, Beauty and the Geek, and Gilmore Girls
100. I love my husband, I think he is such a good guy, a really hard worker!

Ok, here it is, like it or not (I could have kept going! Wow, once I got started i got to thinking lots more about myself)


2-Fold said...

Wow Kristin that is awesome. That is a fun activity thanks Jamie for the idea.

Diane said...

Thank you for sharing, I have enjoyed your story and pictures. And thank you for the great example you are.

your favorite Aunt ---Diane

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