Our Family

Our Family

Friday, October 05, 2007

Hard Work

So, I've decided it's really difficult to be a mother of 3 kids when they are all under 18 months. Don't get me wrong, I love everything about them, although right now it is really hard. I find myself wishing I could go BACK to work because it's easier!!! I know that this is the place I should be but it doesn't make it any easier. Someone once said that negative thoughts and comments are toxic (thanks Tiffany). I now totally agree with you, if I am having a rotten day and gettiing upset with the way things are going, I find that it becomes worse. So goes the saying "if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. So, like today, rather than rant about all the things that are going wrong, I'll think about the things that are going right in my life and all the infinite blessings that are in my midst. There's this poem that I read that goes:

I hope that my child, looking back on today,
Remembers a mother who had time to play.
Children grow up while we're not looking,
There'll be years ahead for cleaning and cooking.
So cobwebs be quiet and dust go to sleep,
I'm rocking my baby, and babies don 't keep.

So, when I read through that poem, it also makes me think that, who cares what my house looks like! (besides me of course) I just have to let it go and let my kids know how much I really do love them. I need to teach them and cherish them while they are still little! I never want them to think I didn't have the time for them! They are some of the most important blessings in my life and I am grateful that Heavenly Father blessed us with them.

1 comment:

2-Fold said...

Wow Kristin thank you for sharing. It is so easy to get caught up with the negative monster. It took some time to realize that the house does not have to be perfect, I find myself a lot happier when my kids are laughing and smiling. You are a great mom, keep up the good work. You are a good example to me, I remember when I was still pregnant and you just seemed to have it all together, it was an inspiration to me. Just remember Heavenly Father believes we can do this even though it seems hard sometimes. Oh, I totally agree on going back to work because it would be so much easier.