He was born Oct. 24th around 5:30 pm.
He is 9 lbs and is 22 inches long. VERY cute baby.
So here's the story. Missy went in Oct 23rd at 6:00 to be induced. She was 39 weeks along and was miserable. They determined that she was a carrier for staff which could pass along meningitis to the baby so they had to put her on antibiodics for 2 hours before they could induce her. Then they determined that she had Toximia, which is what I had with the twins. The symptoms are high blood pressure, you have too much protein in your urine, and you blow up like a balloon. It is also most common to get Toxemia in your first pregnancy, which she is in. So they put her on Magnesium Sulfate. A.K.A. the most HORRIBLE drug on the face of the planet. It slows down your system so much. The first sensation is that it makes you feel hot (my feet were sweating) and then cold because the breezy hospitals and then all the sweat on your body. It makes you feel just gross, you can't think or function, it's unreal!!! Anyhow, so then they put her on Pit, which didn't do much for her. The resident ended up breaking her water at 3 in the morning. So, all that being said, I call the next morning to see if I had a new nephew. NOPE, she was only dialated to a 7 and she was miserable. By 2:45 that afternoon she was at a 10 and after an hour of pushing, NOTHING, the baby was facing down (plus he was a big baby). So the doctor comes in and said, "Well, lets push for another hour and then if we get nowhere, we'll do a c-section." WHAT???? I was shocked in the first place because when I had Toximia, it was kind of a get the babies out of here now, they didn't even give me the option of a vaginal delivery. So, after another 20 minutes the nurse called the doctor and the doctor gave the go ahead on a c-section. so they prepped her and the baby was finally born. WHAT A NIGHTMARE! I went to the hospital last night to get the pictures and talk to Missy, but she was OUT! Poor thing had the morphine button in her hand and was sleeping through everything that was going on. I just called up there and Brett said she is still asleep and hasn't even budged.
We love you Brett, Missy, and Max! Can't wait for you to come home!
Poor Missy! When you talk to her next tell her we're glad that she made it through, and of course that her little boy looks alert and perfect!
Congrats to Missy! I hope she is doing better now.
I think the first time you have a baby, it is never what you expect.
Give her new little family our best wishes! He's a cutie!
Congratulations! Poor thing I feel sorry for her but what a trooper! Now your little Dylan has a little BOY cousin close in age to play with..how lucky you are!
The LeFevres :)
Congrats Missy and Brett. What a cute kid. The whole delivery sounds like one of those horror stories people love to tell you when you are about to deliver. What a trooper. I bet you were so excited.
He's beautiful! Well, handsome. He looks like he's a month old. Missy, you're a trooper. Tiffany is right, you will be able to scare some poor young thing to death in a few years. Best wishes to the Horspool family.
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