Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

How did they....???

So, Tenille and lacey woke up from their nap, and they were happy so I continued doing what I was doing so I could finish and then they were just crying... like something really really bad had happened. I ran in there and lo and behold I found both of them like this....

.... How did one, let alone BOTH of them decide to put their shirts that way? It is beyond me. I laughed for 15 minutes.. SOrry Tenille and Lacey, I was laughing at your pain! HEE


2-Fold said...

That is so funny. I would of done the same thing, it is so hard not to laugh.

Karen said...

Kristen - I saw the link to your family's blog on the Langford site. It is good to see how you are surviving with your three little ones. Hope you don't mind if I read it - it helps to know that all stay at home moms are going crazy! Our family's blog is karenpeterson.blogspot.com. Keep laughing, if our kids are not there to laugh at (and with) I don't know what they ARE there for!

Jamie said...

Zane used to do that all the time. So funny!